Conquering Rome

We arrived on Thursday around 11 am. The three of us hadn’t slept or if we had, it wasn’t more than minutes at a time. The FCO airport was big! I got my passport stamped and we made our way to baggage claim. Martha and Marian’s luggage arrived safely! Hooray! Have I mentioned already that I took a carry on? Ha!

We looked for our driver who was holding a sign that said “Putman” which isn’t how you spell her last name but we know that was for us. We followed our driver to the car:

We got in the backseat and the tour began! Our driver loves to talk and you’d think you could just zone out but oh no you cannot! After everything he says, he asks “You hear me? Right? You understand?”

We’re exhausted and responding “umm hmm, yep.” At one point the said “Do you want me to keep talking?” The answer was “No” but like the good southern girls we are, we said “You’re fine! So interesting!”

Once at the hotel, we were super hungry so walked until we found a place with pizza:

Then we were off for a tour of the Coliseum!

Take a look at the pics here:

I got called out by our tour guide for taking this pic: (I heard “ALLIE!”)

We ended the day with the Rome by Night tour with St. Peter’s Square, the outside of the Vatican, the Spanish Steps, and Trevi Fountain. Oh and we drank from fountains that were also probably tombs. Take a look at the photos below:

In St. Peter’s Square a vendor flew a paper bird into me and I screamed like I had been murdered but it was beautiful! St. Peter’s square was beautiful-not the paper bird. We had the same driver for our Rome at Night tour and he called out anyone who he thought might not be listening. Martha got the answer tot he question of why St Peter was holding keys so we are all very proud of her for that one. Way to think without sleeping for 48 hours, Marth!

Well, we are about to turn in for the night! Tomorrow will be a Gastronomic (Food) Tour of Rome and then we are going to the Vatican. See y’all tomorrow! I’m going to bed!

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